約 2 ヶ月ほど前にリリースされた VMware HCX (以下、HCX) 4.0 にて、下記の通り GUI (vSphere HCX plug-in) 上からマイグレーションのイベント詳細が確認できる機能が追加されています。

今までは HCX のマイグレーション中の動作などが分かりにくいところがありましたが、この機能にてイベントの動作が確認できるため、運用する上で非常に役立つ機能だと思います。今日は、HCX マイグレーションタイプの中でよく使われそうな “vMotion / Bulk Migration / Cold Migration” の 3 種類に対して、上記 GUI で表示されるイベントをまとめたものを共有したいと思います。
・本記事では、下記の HCX バージョンにて試したイベント情報を共有してあります。HCX 将来のバージョンにてはイベント内容が異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
HCX Connector (HCX Manager) | Build : |
・本記事では、HCX マイグレーションタイプの中でよく使われそうな “vMotion / Bulk Migration / Cold Migration” の 3 種類を実際試した (マイグレーション成功時) イベントの共有となります。何らかの理由によりマイグレーションが失敗した場合などは、本記事で紹介しているイベント内容と異なる可能性があります。
- vMotion 成功時のイベント
- Bulk Migration 成功時のイベント
- Cold Migration 成功時のイベント
vMotion 成功時のイベント
Event Category | Task No. | Events |
Switchover Events | 1 (Start) | Collecting source details |
2 | Resolving IX appliance | |
3 | Reconfiguring source Mobility Agent | |
4 | Creating placeholder VM for vMotion at target side | |
5 | Starting relocate task on target side | |
6 | Starting relocate task on source side | |
7 | Relocate task finished on source side | |
8 | Post migration actions initiated at target | |
9 | Post migration actions initiated at source | |
Cleanup Events | 10 | Clearing up vMotion switchover target side |
11 | Cleaning up Mobility Agent on target side | |
12 | Clearing up vMotion switchover target side completed | |
13 | Clearing up vMotion switchover source side | |
14 | Cleaning up Mobility Agent on source side | |
15 | Cleaning up placeholder VM for vMotion on source side | |
16 | Clearing up vMotion switchover source side completed | |
17 | vMotion concurrency lock released | |
18 | Migration completed |
Bulk Migration 成功時のイベント
Event Category | Task No. | Events |
Transfer Events | 1 (Start) | Validating source details |
2 | Validating target details | |
3 | Collecting source details | |
4 | Collecting target details | |
5 | Resolving IX appliance | |
6 | Requesting lock on IX appliance | |
7 | Received lock request on IX appliance | |
8 | Granted lock on IX appliance | |
9 | Preparing target side for migration | |
10 | Reserving storage for disks | |
11 | Creating disks on target datastore | |
12 | Preparing source side for migration | |
13 | Initiated Replication config push on source side IX appliance | |
14 | Enabling replication on source VM | |
15 | Base Sync Initiated | |
16 | Base Sync Completed | |
17 | Replication cycle (RPO) is active | |
Switchover Events | 18 | Switchover started |
19 | Halt request sent for continuous replication | |
20 | Acknowledge halt request by continuous replication | |
21 | Guest shutdown of source VM | |
22 | Validating prerequisites for sync on source VM | |
23 | Offline sync started on source VM | |
24 | Attaching networks to VM on target side | |
25 | Applying storage policy on target VM | |
26 | Power On initiated on target VM | |
27 | Switchover completed | |
28 | Post migration actions initiated at target | |
29 | Post migration actions initiated at source | |
30 | Renaming source VM | |
31 | Disconnecting NICs on source VM | |
Cleanup Events | 32 | Clearing up replication transfer at source side |
33 | Disabling replication on source VM | |
34 | Removing Replication config on source side IX appliance | |
35 | Clearing up replication transfer source side completed | |
36 | Clearing up replication transfer at target side | |
37 | Removing Replication config on target side IX appliance | |
38 | Migration completed |
Cold Migration 成功時のイベント
Event Category | Task No. | Events |
Switchover Events | 1 (Start) | Collecting source details |
2 | Resolving IX appliance | |
3 | vMotion concurrency lock acquired | |
4 | Reconfiguring target Mobility Agent | |
5 | Reconfiguring source Mobility Agent | |
6 | Creating placeholder VM for vMotion at target side | |
7 | Starting relocate task on target side | |
8 | Starting relocate task on source side | |
9 | Relocate task finished on source side | |
10 | Relocate task finished on target side | |
11 | Post migration actions initiated at target | |
12 | Post migration actions initiated at source | |
13 | Clearing up vMotion switchover target side completed | |
14 | Clearing up vMotion switchover source side | |
15 | Cleaning up Mobility Agent on source side | |
16 | Cleaning up placeholder VM for vMotion on source side | |
17 | Clearing up vMotion switchover source side completed | |
18 | vMotion concurrency lock released | |
19 | Migration completed |
以上、HCX (vMotion / Bulk Migration / Cold Migration) のイベント情報となります。
HCX イベントの全体的な流れの確認や、何らかの理由によりマイグレーションが失敗した際の比較情報として、本記事が少しでもお役に立てればと思います。ぜひ必要に応じてご活用いただければ幸いです。